Reader Review: Tip Lewis and His Lamp
Tip Lewis and His Lamp is a fascinating story of a young boy who commits to taking the Word of God as his life-long lamp and guide.
Like his young friends, little Tip is a fun-loving young boy who lives with his family—his father, mother, sister and little brother—in one of the poorer parts of town. One day, a young lady speaks to him and his friends about God and the Bible, and how the Bible could be “a lamp unto his feet” in life.
Childish fears keep him away from committing himself to Christ—until something sorrowful happens to him. His little brother Johnny, whom Tip loves so dearly, passes away.
Tip’s sorrow drives him to seek and cling to Christ Who promises a home in heaven above to those who repent of their sins and place their trust in Him. A kind teacher gives him his own New Testament to read, study and obey; and soon, that “lamp” becomes Tip’s most treasured possession.
Every time he comes face-to-face with a decision, a question, or some unexpected joy or sorrow, into his pocket his hand goes, and out would come his “lamp.” He loves that Book. He believes in the Scriptures with all his heart. He would read verses from the Bible and, by God’s grace, live out what he learns from them. The practical, simple faith Tip has in the Word, and his direct and sometimes surprising manner of applying what he learns from the Bible, convicts the reader of their own shortcomings, and encourages them to live a life guided by the Word of God.
Young Tip—whose name really is Edward—grows into a strong, Christian young man as the story goes along. He becomes not only a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, but a witness and ambassador of His, boldly proclaiming the Word of truth to whomever would listen.
Clear directions and confusing texts—at least, in light of what Tip goes through at specific points in his life—come up again and again throughout the book. Each time, Tip seeks the counsel of older Christians, prays and searches for answers in Scripture. His struggles are real, and his stumblings are painful yet edifying to read. But the victories that come when he follows that “lamp” with his whole heart more than compensates for the difficulties he goes through. He is a shining example of a Christian who lives by the word. Tip Lewis and His Lamp is indeed a most inspiring, practical and spiritually-invigorating Christian novel.
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There is another underlying message Isabella Alden ties into the story that is beautiful and meaningful to the story. This single thread begins in the very first chapter of the book, and finds its continuation and conclusion in the last chapter. The message quickens to action those of us who profess to be Christians in truth and in deed, and not in word only. While This tiny, powerful message is not mentioned elsewhere in the book except for the first and last chapters, this story would not have existed without that first chapter, and Tip’s story would have ended quite differently. You would have to read the book to find out what exactly the message is, a why it matters so much! In the meantime, here is a hint: look up Ecclesiastes 11:1 and meditate on it, asking the Holy Spirit to show you the depth and meaning of that short verse, and how you might live by it.
Reviewed by Odelia.